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Honor Society


NJHS Purpose:

to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character and citizenship in students of secondary schools. The National Junior Honor Society is a community service organization. We donate our time to help the community in a variety of ways. There are five pillars of the National Junior Honor Society: scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship, and character. We look for these qualities in all of our applicants. We are looking for dedicated applicants who will play an active role in our community service activities.


If you have at least a 90% un-weighted average, you will fulfill the scholarship requirement of the application. Although scholarship is important, it is not the only thing we consider in our applicants. All five pillars of the National Junior Honor Society are important.

Character & Citizenship

These are very important parts of being in NJHS. We are role models for the rest of the school and must behave accordingly. You must be polite and respectful to your peers, faculty, and staff. If you’re making poor choices, copying or plagiarizing, swearing in the halls, or are disrespectful to others, you are probably not NJHS material. As part of the selection process, we ask faculty and staff members to comment what they know about your character - both positive and (maybe) not-so-positive aspects. We are looking for applicants who will represent the NJHS in a positive manner.


We are looking for leaders and go-getters. If you are given the opportunity to be in a leadership position, in or out of the classroom, take it!


  • Since we are a community-service organization, we are looking for applicants who have already done some type of community service.
  • We want you to prove to us before you apply that you are a dedicated member of the community and are willing to give your time to help others.
  • There are several ways you can fulfill this requirement. We will discuss the guidelines regarding community service at the mandatory meeting.
  • Your community service could be coaching a sports team, helping a teacher on a regular basis, volunteering at a hospital or a nursing home, etc.
  • Anything that you do to help the community without receiving school credit, monetary compensation, or service credit for another project or club may be used as NJHS community service.
  • We know that you are all very busy, but if you don't have time to complete community service now, you won't have time to do it after you get in the National Junior Honor Society.
  • Be sure to get the person in charge of your community service to sign the community service verification form. Before applying, you must have 5 or more hours of community service completed.

Important Information for Applicants

  • A mandatory meeting for all interested 8th grade students is scheduled for Thursday, March 7th at 2:30 p.m. in the Durgee Cafeteria. Unfortunately, if you miss this meeting for any reason beyond an excused school absence, you cannot be considered for induction in May 2024.
  • This is your only chance to be considered for NJHS, you cannot be inducted as a 9th grader. Please listen for announcements!
  • Part of the application process requires students to fill out an evidence packet. This packet must be typed and turned in by the due date. No Exceptions.
  • Evidence packets will be made available after the mandatory meeting.
  • The Induction Ceremony will be held on Wednesday, May 15 at 6 p.m. in the Baker Auditorium. 

Requirements Once a 9th Grade Member:

  • Attend a meeting once a month, directly after school. The only legal absences are absences from school. Sports practice is not a legal absence.
  • Complete at least 1 hour of community service each month from September to May.

We want the NJHS to be more than just something you put on your college applications. We want a group of students who are ready and willing to help the community.

Questions? Contact us:

Kimberly Holmes, advisor,

Christene Rolfe, advisor,